Acute Conditions Treatment Clinic in Carrboro, NC
Acute conditions include colds, the flu, fractured bones, burns, respiratory infections, bronchitis, strep throat, and many others. Treatment for acute conditions is available at the Carrboro Family Medicine Center. Carrboro Family Medicine Center serves patients in Carrboro, NC, and the surrounding area. To consult our professionals, please contact us or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 610 Jones Ferry Rd Suite 102, Carrboro, NC 27510.

Table of Contents:
What is an acute disorder or illness?
What is the most common acute illness?
What causes acute disease?
Is acute illness serious?
The majority of illnesses can be classified as acute or chronic. The terms can be used to describe what type of treatment is needed, how long the treatment may last, and if it is the right kind of treatment.
Even though many newly diagnosed diseases present with acute symptoms, acute does not mean new. In addition, it does not mean that symptoms are severe. Symptoms have developed rapidly, indicating that medical intervention is necessary.
Newly diagnosed illnesses can also be categorized as chronic if there is no hope of a cure; arthritis is one example. As part of the definition, some include developmental, functional, or visual disabilities that require ongoing care.
Chronic or acute diagnoses are not necessarily permanent. The symptoms of an acute condition can sometimes become chronic, while the symptoms of a chronic condition can suddenly become acute.
For example, certain infections progress from an acute phase (in which symptoms develop and resolve after exposure) to a chronic phase (in which symptoms persist, but progress less rapidly). Chronic infections can remain latent for years before manifesting new and typically severe acute complications.
The onset of an acute disease occurs suddenly, while a chronic condition usually develops gradually over a few days or weeks. We often see people at the Carrboro Family Medicine Center who are experiencing symptoms of acute diseases and want to feel better as soon as possible.
The common cold is the most common acute illness, as its name suggests. The common cold causes sneezing, coughing, and sinus drainage in nearly everyone we see at our clinic. Viral infections of the upper respiratory system are spread by coughing or sneezing, which send germ-filled droplets into the air. It is common for adults to get two to three colds per year, each lasting seven to ten days.
Among acute conditions are colds, flu, broken bones, burns, respiratory infections, bronchitis, and strep throat. Medication can be used to treat many acute diseases that go away on their own.
In addition to diagnosing and treating acute diseases, our doctors provide you with the most appropriate treatment. In acute illnesses, treatment is aimed at providing fast relief from discomfort or reducing the severity of symptoms. Patients at our clinic can choose from a variety of acute disease treatments. Getting treatment for your acute disease as soon as possible reduces the chance of further complications and long-term health problems.
Infections and viruses are often the cause of acute diseases, however car accidents, falls, or misuse of medications can also cause them. In many cases, chronic diseases are caused by unhealthy behaviors that increase the risk of disease, such as smoking, not exercising, eating poorly, or drinking too much alcohol. The likelihood of developing one or more chronic illnesses increases with age.
If not treated promptly, acute diseases can cause a range of symptoms, including life-threatening ones. As these conditions arise, the Carrboro Family Medicine Center can treat them. Acute illnesses can develop into chronic conditions, and chronic conditions can be displayed with acute illnesses.
Any number of things could be described as an acute condition from an asthma attack to a broken bone. Chronic conditions, on the other hand, are long-term diseases, such as osteoporosis or asthma. It is important to note that osteoporosis, which is a chronic condition, can result in a broken bone, which is an acute condition. During the chronic illness of asthma, an acute asthma attack occurs. When left untreated, acute conditions, such as a first asthma attack, can become chronic.
An acute illness developing into a chronic condition is only one example of how it can become serious. An untreated acute condition can become a serious risk on its own particularly for older individuals or individuals in poor health. Treatment for acute conditions is available at the Carrboro Family Medicine Center. For more information, please contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 610 Jones Ferry Rd Suite 102, Carrboro, NC 27510. We serve patients in Chapel Hill NC, Southern Village NC, Fearrington NC, Blands NC, and surrounding areas.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Annual Physical Exam
▸ Primary Care
▸ Hypertension Management
▸ Chronic Diseases
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Immunizations
▸ Lab Testing
▸ Sports Physicals
▸ STD Testing
▸ Allergy Treatment
▸ Acute Illness