Confidential STD Testing Clinic in Carrboro, NC
STD tests are important for several reasons such as early detection, prevention, and health protection. Come to Carrboro Family Medicine Center for your confidential STD screening! Our staff is here to provide you with discreet service and results. For more information, read below our Q and A page. To consult our professionals, please contact us or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 610 Jones Ferry Rd Suite 102, Carrboro, NC 27510.

Table of Contents:
Where can I get tested for STDs?
Can my regular doctor do STD testing?
What doctor should a man see for STD testing?
Are STD tests confidential?
STDs are common infections affecting the sexual organs. They are primarily transmitted through sexual contact, although they can also be contracted via bodily fluids such as blood as well as skin-to-skin contact. Common STDs include herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV, and syphilis. Treatment for bacterial infections can be easily treated with antibiotics. Although some viral infections can be prevented with vaccinations, many of them have no cure.
STD tests can be performed at many medical centers, including primary care physicians. However, due to patients feeling embarrassed, many opt to receive STD testing at other health clinics. Topping the list of popular places to receive STD testing is urgent care. These healthcare facilities offer quick, discreet results with minimal wait times. If you need an STD test, come to Carrboro Family Medicine Center today!
Yes, the physician from whom you receive your regular healthcare can perform STD testing. However, some doctors choose not to, so be sure to check with your doctor before visiting their office. Additionally, many people can feel embarrassed about receiving an STD test from their primary care provider, and will often seek care elsewhere, or avoid it altogether. STD tests are important for your sexual health and should never be avoided. Come to Carrboro Family Medicine Center, where our kind professionals practice the utmost discretion when performing STD tests. Rest assured knowing that your results are in your hands, and no one else’s.
Male patients can see several different medical professionals for STD testing. These can be performed at a primary care physician’s office, a sexual health clinic, an urgent care center, or a reproductive specialist such as a gynecologist or a urologist. Gynecologists typically only work with women, so be sure to confirm with the doctor before booking an appointment. Recently, the most popular of these choices is urgent care centers. These healthcare facilities provide expert care with confidential results and accept walk-in appointments, so you don’t have to plan your entire day around one appointment.
STD test results are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone. If someone calls asking for the results of the test, they will not be given any information, even if they are a trusted family member or guardian. Occasionally, the government uses test result information for statistical purposes, however, no personal data is shared. For example, when reporting the total number of cases of a specific STD, an analytic firm may look at the total number of positive test results for chlamydia. From this data, they can see the total amount of positive results, but they will have no name, phone number, or any other personal information.
If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of an STD or has had recent sexual contact with someone with symptoms, come to Carrboro Family Medicine Center today! Our kind and compassionate professionals are experienced in performing STD tests and can provide you with confident results in a timely fashion. To consult our professionals, please contact us or book an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 610 Jones Ferry Rd Suite 102, Carrboro, NC 27510. We serve patients in Chapel Hill NC, Southern Village NC, Fearrington NC, Blands NC, and surrounding areas.

Additional Services You May Need
▸ Annual Physical Exam
▸ Primary Care
▸ Hypertension Management
▸ Chronic Diseases
▸ Diabetes Management
▸ Immunizations
▸ Lab Testing
▸ Sports Physicals
▸ STD Testing
▸ Allergy Treatment
▸ Acute Illness